6 Reasons why Finding Your Purpose Matters
At first glance, it might not seem important to live your life with purpose. After all, so long as you get through the day and are reasonably happy or content, it’s all good, right?
Not really.
Without purpose you’re missing out.
What happens when you try to live your life without purpose?
You pretty much drift along and never achieve your dreams and goals.
That could so easily have happened to us when we saw our retirement on the horizon and realised we would never be able to achieve our dreams and goals unless we made a significant change…
And it all began by a session with our mentor where we went through what we saw our purpose in life going forward was.
The rest is history as they say so let’s look now at what you can do about it and the 6 reasons why finding your purpose matters.
Purpose Gives Drive
Purpose gets us going and makes us eager to start the day. Without purpose, you might feel your day is aimless to the point where there’s no reason to try setting goals. Left unchecked, this can affect mood and even lead to depression. It’s no wonder purpose is one of the most important things to drive us forward.
Purpose Builds Relationships
Purpose is one of those things which really bring people together. Having common interests and goals creates strong bonds. Without purpose, you might find it harder to connect to others, especially on a deeper level.
Purpose Gives Direction
Decisions can seem difficult sometimes when you have no purpose. When you are not working toward a goal or interest, it’s easy to waver or let others lead the way. But purpose means you weigh decisions against what’s important to you, meaning you honor yourself. More important, you keep to your own set of values every time you’re faced with a choice.
Purpose Gives Value
Without purpose, you might wonder whether you’re making a difference. In contrast, purpose tells you you’re making a difference and adding something to the world with every action that honors this purpose.
Purpose Reduces the Need to Keep Up with Others
If you worry about what others are accomplishing, it’s probably because you’re unsure of your own purpose. With purpose, it becomes less important what those around you are doing because you’re more interested in your own personal journey.
Purpose Reduces Stress
We experience stress most when things around us feel out of control. With purpose, you know your direction and have a pretty solid idea of what you need to do to get where you want to go. Even more important is how purpose helps you get back on track if you’re sidelined for a crisis, giving you firm direction and control when things around you feel like they’re out of your hands. This all reduces stress and helps you deal with challenges calmly and reasonably.
With purpose, your life changes for the better. It’s no wonder taking the time to figure out what you’re all about is crucial to a healthy and happy life.
Take the time for yourself.
You won’t regret it.
Why not get a copy of our brand new book Rescue Your Retirement where we take you through a journey and help you find a new way to create a secure retirement income online and live your true life passion
Thanks for reading today’s blog 6 Reasons Why Finding Your Purpose Matters and would love you to share your thoughts and feedback. Just contact us
And if you want to talk to us you can book a free call here
6 Reasons Why Finding Your Purpose Matters
Chris & Susan Beesley
We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.