Top Entrepreneur Secrets Of Success
If you’re reading this and ready to take the leap and follow your entrepreneurial spirit…
Thinking about finally planning your escape route from your current job and taking the leap into entrepreneurship…
Or maybe just daydreaming about it (that’s how it usually starts) we’re here to share with you our top entrepreneur success secrets.
Why we believe personal development is the key.

But first a short story to put this into perspective
We had never heard of personal development until 2005 when we found ourselves at an event promoting a network marketing company
As a result of joining that business we disovered personal development
And one of the first books we ever read was Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
It’s one of those books that we recommend to anyone taking a journey into entrepreneurship as it sets the scene beautifully.

These are the lessons we learned making our escape from the corporate world (our management consultancy) and how you can shift from a corporate mindset to a business mindset.
Are you going to stay right where you are or will you follow your entrepreneurial spirit? You can’t move forward until you decide to commit to achieving a certain result in your life.
Know where you’re going and don’t let other people’s stresses affect you. Even if you don’t know exactly what you’re going to do you need to know the direction you’re heading.
In our first book The Mindset Shift Alice asks the question of the Cheshire Cat during her adventures in Wonderland if she was on the right road. He asked her where she was going. She said she didn’t know and he replied thatin that case any road would get her there. And he was right. If you are wandering aimlessly you will never arrive at your destination because you don’t have one!

What is standing in your way? Remove people from your decision makeing and put away other people’s opinions. Don’t adopt other people’s lifestyles that don’t align with your own.
This was a difficult one for us as it was our closest friends and family who couldn’t see what we were doing was what we wanted and in fact needed to do!
Find someone who’s been in your shoes and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Business owners and entrepreneurs LOVE ❤️ to share their stories! We know what it feels like and what you’re going through.
We remember reaching out to the young guy who was to become our first online mentor. He had done what we wanted to do and as it turned out was willing to help and guide us.
Best thing we ever did!
You can’t rock and roll in that old network you were in prior to making your decision to escape your current situation so it’s time to cultivate new relationships. The world of entrepreneurship has a totally different mindset and support network. Find other people who think like you. People you ‘vibe’ with. People you can see as your future self – who you want to be. You never know, one of these people may become one of your clients, business partners, or customers 😊
Ask yourself if you’re willing to start over before you quit your job. There are building years that you have to invest into your new business – your entrepreneurial career – before you have the money and free time to support your ultimate dream.
We did exactly that and some years later in 2012 when we got a special edition of Think And Grow Rich from Sharon Lechter she shared with us how important it is to start part time to give you financial security as you grow your business and network
You can listen to that interview here
After your escape everything is different…
And that’s a good thing!!!
Because success leaves clues

Thanks for reading today’s blog Top Entrepreneur Secrets Of Success and would love you to share your thoughts and feedback. Just contact us
And if you want to talk to us you can book a free call here

Top Entrepreneur Secrets Of Success

Chris & Susan Beesley
We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.