This is the question you need to ask yourself before you jump in with both feet!
You see, an online home-based business must represent something to you that you can’t get anywhere else.
You might desire greater income potential, personal fulfillment or the freedom to do what you want when you want without asking “permission” from the boss.
Maybe you are retired or heading into retirement and your ‘second life’. Do you feel you have much more to contribute, but on your terms and your timetable? Maybe like us you have no retirement income for the time you want it the most to enjoy life and have some ‘me time’? We know that’s us!
What Do You Want Out of An Online Home-Based Business?
Do you want to get out of an online home-based business exactly what you put into it, making sure that the upside is in direct proportion to your commitment?
Perhaps you are in ‘mid-life‘ and find yourself faced with being downsized or maybe you are still in the corporate world but looking for more. You’ve seen those 9 to 5 days turn into 7 to 7 days – all the while your kids get older and you see them less and less. You’ve missed some of those all important events in their life sacrificing so much time with your family with nothing to show for it (we remember this well ourselves!)
That’s the catch-22 with regular jobs. You work harder and harder to give your family everything they want and need when what they really want is you. TIME with you and experiences with you.
Nothing delivers that like an online home-based business where you control your time investment.
Whether you want freedom, income or fulfillment, an online home-based business can be the vehicle that gets you where you want to go … and it’s important to crystallise your vision for what you want to have, do or become through the freedom provided by an online home-based business.
We recommend you take a moment to write down say FIVE things you plan to achieve through self employment and having an online home-based business
I want to experience ______________________________
I want to purchase _______________________________
I want to achieve ________________________________
Your list might include travel to exotic locations such as Curacao (in the Caribbean) or Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) ….. we’ve travelled to both of these locations this year and we’ve many many more we want to visit including Mexico and Borneo … the list goes on and on.
Whatever your personal dreams we encourage you to keep them front and centre of your mind. Create a vision board and stick pictures of those things you want to experience, purchase and achieve so you see them every single day. Doing this will keep you motivated to choose the right online home-based business for yourself and the momentum to move towards your goals.
There are other questions you need to ask yourself when considering an online home-based business and we answer these in our free e-book which we will send you direct to your in-box.
Do You Really Want To Start An Online Home-Based Business?

Chris & Susan Beesley
We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.