The First Step To Success : What is going to take you from where you are to where you want to be?
What one new skill would completely transform your business and the quality of your life?
If you already know then you don’t need to read any further because you are in a position that most are not and that makes you very fortunate indeed 🙂
But for example learning a new skill can be challenging. First you have to find time to study and if you are working for someone else or even for yourself in another business this is difficult as it will steal your precious time…
Then it comes to using that new skill which can be even harder. You will be doing something unfamiliar and quite often out of your comfort zone
When you focus on taking only one step we can tell you that change is a lot less scary than you think and it is achievable
Our Success Story Today Only Started Because The First Step Was So Easy…
It began in 2005 with books and CD’s…
Thanks to a network marketing business we had joined quite by accident we turned our car into what you often hear about as being a ‘mobile university‘…
But education only changes your life when you use it…
And in the early days we just kept listening and learning but we did nothing with what we were learning because…
Change is hard!
Change is scary right!
We were comfortable in our management consultancy business if we’re honest. We earned a good income, we were putting the kids through further education, we were taking nice holidays and truthfully, we didn’t know what was just around the corner that would change the course of our career and our future forever.
So there you are we had turned our daily drive time commute to clients into “study” time convinced that this was going to be the road to riches.
And in so many ways it was.
This was the start of our journey. Learning and being open to the idea of doing things differently we had never even thought of.
But honestly our journey didn’t really start until we took action on what we learned.
The only reason why we took the first new step was that it was so easy to do. A small change…
From listening to CD’s in the car we started reading personal development books like
- Think and Grow Rich,
- As A Man Thinketh,
- The Science of Getting Rich
And many many more (we actually share these and you can download them here). Then we began attending events outside of our usual professional/career type seminars (boring accountancy stuff)
It was a turning point for us and we began to see potential we never realised
And we were taking steps towards changing our lives
We’re not going to say it’s going to be easy – it’s not but if you make the first step to success in whatever you want to do small it’s just a matter of building on that.
Now It’s Your Turn
Please make 2 simple decisions right now.
- Decide what skill you need to learn then
- Choose the time you will block out for study
If it’s to get started in that online business you’ve been meaning to then sign up (that’s the first step) then go to the training and get started one step at a time.
As we said we learned by reading and listening to begin so if you’re like us then we recommend you start with a book that will place you in a good place to consider your options
Like Secrets of The Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker
It puts a different perspective o wealth, prosperity and money to the one we have been brought up on
Begin creating success habits
We wrote a post on this and you can read the tips over there
It will position you for change and will be a positive first step
Then set yourself small manageable next steps (goals) that you can achieve
There’s no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them.
There’s no telling what you can do when you believe in them.
And there’s no telling what will happen when you act upon them
So why have we chosen to share this story today?
We’re moving home early next year and we’ve been turning out the attic, packing up our books ready and discovered just how much knowledge we have accumulated (literally hundreds of books on mindset, personal development, business building, leadership etc as well as boxes of CD’s that we talked about at the beginning of this post (they are looking for a good home if you live in the UK and would like them with our compliments)
The other reason is that it’s the start of a New Year tomorrow (we’re writing this on 31st December 2019)
And the first step to success in anything is to make a change and actually as you can see it was quite easy
If you’ve found this useful, then please leave a comment below.
If this can help someone you know, then please share it with them.
Until next time…
The First Step To Success

Chris & Susan Beesley
We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.