Not Ready For Retirement?
Maybe like us you’re not ready for retirement yet or maybe you are having to working beyond State Pension Age?
For some, retirement might be a moment they’ve been looking forward to for years, but a sudden stop could put a strain on finances. Therefore, working on past State Pension age can give you more options financially, especially if you’re nervous about relying on pension and savings alone.
Continuing to work beyond retirement age is often about more than just income – it’s a social experience too and can be beneficial to a person’s mental wellness and not just their financial security.
So, whether you’re thinking of staying in your current role or contemplating gradual retirement, there’s plenty to think about.
Chris and I were recently asked our opinion on this for an article being written for Saga Money News (a magazine for the over 50’s)
Going part time or reducing hours can be a good option for many as they transition into this stage of life providing an opportunity to balance a lifestyle between working and exploring a hobby, or a desire to try something new.
Starting a business or going freelance is another option and this is what we were asked our opinion on since it’s something we are very familiar with and have actually been doing ourselves since 2010 when we began planning for our own retirement lifestyle and the realisation it wasn’t going to happen unless we made a significant change in our then self employed accountancy and management consultancy business. We earned a good income but the downside was we were tied to working with clients in the UK and therefore taking holidays and travelling as much as we do now wasn’t possible.
This led to us researching for a way we could do that and ultimately setting up our online business which over the years has given us the lifestyle we were looking for and online coaching business specialising in finding ways for individuals reaching this turning point in their lives to create a way to generate an income for their retirement without being tied to their current profession or career… or just to do something different!

Let’s Talk About Starting Your Own Business For Retirement
If you want some autonomy over your work pattern, one option is to start your own business or work on a freelance or consultancy basis.
It’s a popular choice for those continuing to work into their 60s: around 37% of workers over the age of 65 are self employed
That’s us included but a very different kind of self employment to our original business since it allows us flexibility in location but still very much in line with our business development skills and knowledge albeit in a new field (online entrepreneurship)
Here’s an extract from the article
Chris Beesley, 70, a former accountant, now runs an online coaching business with his wife Susan, 68, a former management consultant, advising others on how to top up their retirement income through self-employment.
Chris says the barriers people often face include an overwhelm of information, fear of change and going out of your comfort zone, as well as a lack of plan to follow.
He suggests finding something that you can do or want to do as a first step. He says not to underestimate the value of the skills and experience you’ll have built up in your chosen career over the years.
“Retirement is a continuation of life. It used to be about getting to 65, stopping work and whiling away the time until the day came that you weren’t here anymore,” says Chris.
“But people are so much younger in their older years now. There is still so much more that you can do. Having an income can give you more choices – perhaps to travel or volunteer.”
Chris also suggests finding a mentor in the area you’re interested in, as well as joining communities of like-minded people, either locally or online, to help share stories of success (and potential pitfalls).
You can read the full article here
Jenny who who started her own business says
“I’m the happiest I have ever been. I’ve found myself, my place in nature [and] I make a tangible difference to the environment and to other people’s wellbeing”
That’s our experience too and we hope having read our blog here and the article that you realise that working past retirement can be fun, provide an income and a reason to get up in the morning
For us it’s given us the opportunity to be able to do something we really enjoy and to be able to do it for anywhere in the world as what’s now referred to as being a “digital nomad”
At age 70 and 68 we’re about to embark on a new adventure moving to Spain where many years ago we purchased an apartment which we used to rent out during the summer months for an additional income to help pay the mortgage. Today it’s almost paid for and we no longer rent it except to friends and family when we’re travelling or back in the UK to see our family.
The weather is superb, we have views of the sea and we really can live a retirement lifestyle working remotely and enjoying a better life.
If we can help you think about your retirement we highly recommend you download a copy of our book Rescue Your Retirement – The New Way To Create A Secure Retirement Income Online
And why not book a call with us to talk through your thoughts on Working Past Retirement

Thanks for reading today’s blog Not Ready For Retirement and would love you to share your thoughts and feedback just reach out to us here
You can also find us talking about retirement on Tik Tok
Why not ask us a question and we’ll answer you by video 🎥😀
And if you prefer to talk to us personally you can book a free call here It’s Free 😀

Not Ready For Retirement Yet

Chris & Susan Beesley
We’re former accountants and management consultants ‘of a certain age‘ with 5 great kids, 5 grand-kids, 1 grand-dog and a little old cat called Vincent. We love skiing, the mountains and travelling the world and we’re passionate about helping others to start and build successful businesses online to generate them a full or part-time income to support their retirement lifestyle.